Apparently Herman Cain didn't get the memo...
“Our constitution guarantees separation of church and state,” said Cain, a contender for the 2012 presidential nomination. “Islam combines church and state. They are using the church part of our First Amendment to infuse their mosque in the community and people in the community don’t like it. They disagree with it. Sharia law is what they are trying to infuse.”
This from an appearance on Fox News Sunday. But while we may forgive Mr. Cain his momentary lapse, because, after all, it came right before an ASTOUNDING outburst of Islamophobia and paranoiac delusions, it's the first part of his statement that bears repeating... "our constitution guarantees separation of church and state." He may be one of the few Conservatives to think so...
You could start with the Conservapedia article on Separation of Church and State, which opens by calling it "a widely repeated liberal falsehood."
But wait... there's more!